Purpose of Aging - Developing Your Power Fully
Is It Possible That Aging Is Synonymous With Power rather than Decline?! The Fountain of Youth May Be Within Each of Us!
The phrase “The Best Is Yet To Come”™ is Mr. Deutsch’s trademark and the foundation for his whole developmental concept of life span. He believes that the most exciting and productive stage of a person’s life is still ahead of them, during their 50’s-60’s-70’s and beyond. The whole journey up until then has been merely a preparation for a person to come fully into their power. Mr. Deutsch defines POWER as the ability to motivate and inspire another toward personal and common good. It is not to control or dominate. Mr. Deutsch believes that Maslow’s ‘self-actualized person’, rather then constituting only 2% of the population, is the true model for the norm and through training can become available to anyone.
He further believes that nothing makes a person more energized and youthful then continuing their developmental process.