2 - Conference on Human Development – March 2010 (pg 2b)
The hypothesis can be summarized as follows:
I assert that there is a Developmental Self, which when educated and trained throughout the lifespan gives rise to the highest levels of wellbeing and satisfaction. The human being is composed of the body and brain, and Self. The healthy growth of these 3 components needs to be coupled with effective education and training of each. Only this way can human beings perform at their highest potential. Self, performing at its highest potential, assures the individual a sense of being in the moment, aware thereby envisioning appropriately to its needs, which visions inform all communications in an unconditional manner. This signifies effectiveness, control in one’s life, bringing with it inner peace, richer relationships, and success attaining life goals.
What is a ‘Developmental Self’?
Firstly, let me define what I believe Development is.
Development is genetically compelled Growth – which establishes a given Range of Potential. Nourishment and rest are required to promote such Growth. Lack of nourishment can damage Growth and limit the Range of Potential. Once Growth stops the top limit of the Potential Range is reached. After that we need to use education and training to have body, brain and Self perform at the highest level of their Potential Range. Potential signifies the upper and lower limits of possibilities. Therefore, Potential is a fixed factor within a limited Range. What can be modified is our performance within that Range. Performance can be enhanced through training and education so that we perform at our highest Potential.
Human beings have 3 distinct though integrated areas of Growth, each with its unique and concomitant Potential Range. Each component area needs a unique approach to its education and training to activate said Potential and thereby perform at the highest level that that given Potential supports – the body – the brain – the Developmental Self. The physical Growth of the body and brain continually signals increased levels of Potential in both. But no amount of education or training will enable a 5’6” person to become 7’2” and do what a 7’2” person is potentially capable of doing, or an 80 IQ person to become 160 IQ and do what a 160 IQ person can do. Therefore Potential is limited primarily genetically. Loving energy, which is the fourth life-sustaining energy human beings need – air, food and water being the other three – is needed as nourishment specifically by the Developmental Self. This explains two things. 1. Why conditional behavior feels so painful to all human beings – loving energy is being withheld, and 2. Why the body and brain still can function well when we feel rejected and unloved – but another part of us feels pain. That part is Self. Loving energy has quantum energetic properties, coming into existence from one moment to the next, generated by conscious will, and can be sent (given) to another or withheld from another. This is the reason we feel loved even when no one touches us or in pain, again, even when no one touches us.